The issue at hand
The team wanted to keep the museum and the permanent collections alive during the two-year closure period. The aim was to maintain the link with the different audiences through a single channel by sharing stories and anecdotes about the history of the museum.
Our solution :
The team decided to give a Voice to Dame Tholose, an emblematic artwork of the collection. It offers different paths to travel through time and through the collections in an interactive way. All audiences can find their way around. We have set up a dedicated path entitled « Animals & Co » which offers the opportunity to discover 10 works from the collections representing loyal companions, frightening animals or mythological ones. Last but not least, the construction tour show the new architectural and scenografic project.
💬 Talk to Dame Tholose, the chatbot of the Musée des Augustins.
Key figures
2 minutes
An average of 2 minutes per user to discover a course.